- 发布时间:2025-01-10
- 截止日期:详见正文
- 学历要求:博士研究生
招聘人数: 2-5 人
1. 自动驾驶 / 机器人相关多源异构 AI 感知算法;
2. 车联网 / 低空相关短距离低时延通信技术;
3. 面向智慧城市的物联网传感器及其应用(位移 / 振动传感器相关);
4. 车路协同相关交通信号控制;
5. 交通应急保障相关的建模分析与管控技术;
6. 通感算相关计算软硬件平台(雷达、边缘计算);
7. 车载智能座舱人机接口技术;
8. 多目机器视觉技术;
9. 面向自动化系统设计与应用、软件模型 / 算法应用技术、 AI 模型技术、并行云计算的产品或系统应用开发;
● 交通工程,电子信息、通信与信息工程、自动化、计算机、汽车工程等专业、新一代无线电通信网络技术领域及车路云相关领域等背景优先。
● 获得国内外博士学位三年内,年龄不超过 35 周岁,海归、 985 高校背景优先。
● 全脱产在深圳设站单位从事博士后研究工作。
● 具有良好的政治素质和道德修养,遵纪守法。
● 具备一定的沟通能力和团队协同能力。
1. 年薪不低于 30 万元人民币(含深圳市政府补贴 18 万元 / 年(《深圳市博士后资助资金管理办法》,文号:深人社规 [2018]20 号)。
2. 公司为博士后研究员申请人才公寓。
3. 公司为博士后研究员提供相应办公和科研环境。
1. 电话联系: [申请查看] (周女士) / [申请查看]( 黄女士 )
2. 简历投递: [申请查看], 抄送 [申请查看] 【快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递 / 投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】
3. 邮件标题注明: 2025 深圳大学 / 金溢科技博士后应聘 +
4. 申请文档:
1 )个人简历;
2 )学位证明复印件;
3 )反映本人学术水平的近 5 年代表性成果复印件;
4 )导师推荐信。
单位名称:深圳市金溢科技股份有限公司(股票代码 002869 )
联系电话: [申请查看]
联系地址:深圳市南山区粤海街道科技南路 16 号深圳湾科技生态园 11 栋 A 座 19~20 楼
Recruitment of Post-doctoral Researchers Jointly Cultivated by Shenzhen University and Genvict in 2025
I. PositionInformation
- Position Name: Postdoctoral Researcher
- Number of Recruits: 2 - 5
- Location: Shenzhen
II. ResearchDirections
1. Multi-source heterogeneous AIperception algorithms related to autonomous driving/robots;
2. Short-range and low-latencycommunication technologies related to the Internet of Vehicles/low-altitude;
3. Internet of Things sensors for smartcities and their applications (related to displacement/vibration sensors);
4. Traffic signal control based on V2X;
5. Modeling analysis and management andcontrol technologies related to traffic emergency support;
6. Computing software and hardwareplatforms related to sensing and computing (radar, edge computing);
7. Human-machine interface technologiesfor in-vehicle Intelligent Cabin;
8. Multi-view machine vision technologies;
9. Product or system applicationdevelopment related to automation system design and application, softwaremodel/algorithm application technologies, AI model technologies, and parallelcloud computing.
III. Requirements
- Major in Traffic Engineering, ElectronicInformation, Communication and Information Engineering, Automation, ComputerScience, Automotive Engineering;
prefer backgrounds in the field ofnew-generation radio communication network technology and vehicle-road-cloud,etc.
- Have a doctoral degree and graduatedwithin three years, aged under 35;
- Work full-time in Shenzhen.
- Have good moral cultivation and respectthe law, abide by social ethics.
- Possess certain communication skills andthe ability to work in teams.
IV. WorkingBenefits
1. The annual salary is 300,000+ yuan(including a subsidy of 180,000 yuan per year from the Shenzhen MunicipalGovernment. The specific amount will be determined according to the interviewwith the candidates.
2. The company will apply for talentapartments for postdoctoral researchers.
3. The company will provide correspondingoffice and research environments for postdoctoral researchers.
V. TrainingMethods and Management
The postdoctoral fellows will be jointlycultivated by Shenzhen University and Genvict. Shenzhen University will be responsible for theassessment of the admission and exit of postdoctoral fellows, while Genvic willbe responsible for the assessment of daily work and life matters.
VI. ContactInformation and Required Documents
1. Contact: [申请查看] (Ms. Zhou) /[申请查看](Ms. Huang)
2. Resume submission: [申请查看],copy to [申请查看]
3. The email subject: 2025 PostdoctorApplication of SZU/GENVICT
4. Required documents:
1) Resume or CV
2) Certified copy of PhD degreecertificate
3) Copies of representative publicationsin the past five years
4) Recommendation letters
VII. RelatedWebsites
深圳市金溢科技股份有限公司(简称金溢科技)是一家成立于 2004 年并于 2017 年在深圳深交所中小板挂牌上市的民营企业,是最早一批从事智慧交通技术研发及产业化的领军企业,车路协同(车路云一体化)先行者,集 C-V2X 、 DSRC 、 RFID 三大技术领先的智慧交通解决方案及产品提供商,业务涵盖汽车电子、车路协同、城市数字交通、智慧高速四大领域,拥有面向车 - 路两端各类智慧交通应用需求提供“解决方案设计 + 核心产品提供 + 边端系统集成”的全栈服务能力。
金溢科技总部位于深圳市深圳湾科技生态园,旗下有包含分公司、办事处在内的 16 个分支机构,分布全国各地,拥有职员 400 余人。
建设有国内唯一部级“智能车路协同关键技术及装备交通运输行业研发中心”和 7 个车联网联合实验室,构建了从标准、技术、产品到应用的全链条协同创新体系。
公司聚焦市场需求和行业发展趋势,积极发挥先行者带头作用,与 30 多个行业组织建立了产学研用深度合作关系,先后完成国家重点科研计划 13 项,省市级科研项目 50 多项, 70% 以上实现规模化产业应用,主持制定 ETC 电子收费、 RFID 电子标识、 LTE-V 车路通信等国家标准 8 项,行业或团体技术标准 50 余项,荣获中国标准创新贡献奖、中国专利优秀奖、中国公路学会科学技术奖等 200 多项行业殊荣,被评为国家级制造业单项冠军企业及国家级专精特新小巨人企业。
依托“交通 +IT ”双基因优势,金溢科技与时俱进,以创新技术引领行业,不负“让交通更智慧、让生活更简单”的企业使命,是实现自我、成就价值的绝佳舞台。
深圳市金溢科技股份有限公司博士后创新实践基地由深圳市人力资源和社会保障局于 2017 年批准设立。
Attachment : Introduction of Shenzhen Genvict Technologies Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Genvict Technologies Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Genvict") was established in 2004 andlisted on Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2017. It is one of the earliest andleading enterprises engaged in the research and development of ITS (intelligenttransportation system) technologies and its industrialization, a pioneer inVehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative System (Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration), anda provider of intelligent transportation solutions and products in C-V2X, DSRC,and RFID. Its business covers four major areas, including automotiveelectronics, vehicle-infrastructure cooperative system, urban transportationdigitalization, and intelligent expressways. It provides "comprehensiveITS solution + key products + system integration" one-stop service forvarious clients.
The headquarter of Genvict is located inthe Shenzhen Bay Technology & Ecology Park in Shenzhen. It has 16 subsidiaries and branch offices across the country andmore than 400 employees. It has been granted the "Research and DevelopmentCenter of Transport Industry of Key Technologies and Equipments for IntelligentVehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative System" by Ministry of Transport of China , which is the only ministerial-levelR&D center in its industry in China . Genvict has also built 7joint laboratories for the Internet of Vehicles research, so as to construct acollaborative innovation system that covers standards, technologies, productsand applications. The company focuses on market demands and industrydevelopment trends, and has established in-depth cooperation with more than 30industrial organizations. It has completed 13 national key scientific researchprojects and more than 50 provincial and municipal scientific researchprojects. More than 70% of the achievement of these projects has beentransformed to large-scale industrial applications. Genvict has drafted 8national standards including the ones in terms of ETC (electronic tollcollection), RFID (electronic identification), and LTE-V (vehicle-roadcommunication), and more than 50 industry-level or association-level technicalstandards. It has won more than 200 honors including the China Standard InnovationContribution Award, the China Patent Excellence Award, and the Science andTechnology Award of the China Highway and Transportation Society. It has beenhonored as a “National-level Manufacturing Single-item Champion Enterprise” anda "Little Giant" enterprise which is to honor national-levelspecialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative companies.
Relying on the dual-gene advantages of"transportation + IT", Genvict keeps pace with the times, leads theindustry with innovative technologies, lives up to its corporate mission of"Making Transportation Smarter and Life Simpler", and is highlywilling to provide an excellent platform for self-actualization.
The Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Baseof Shenzhen Genvict Technologies Co., Ltd., approved by the Shenzhen MunicipalHuman Resources and Social Security Bureau, was established in 2017. We warmlywelcome doctoral graduates who are interested in research work related toautonomous driving, vehicle-infrastructure cooperative system, intelligent transportation,and intelligent connected vehicles to apply for this position and conductscientific research work in the base.