About UIC
Strategicallylocated in the heart of China’s most vibrant Greater Bay Area, our campus iswithin the one-hour livelihood circle that encompasses Hong Kong, Macau,Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Founded in 2005, UIC is jointly established by BeijingNormal University and Hong Kong Baptist University and enjoys a fine reputationas a pioneer in liberal arts education. Attracting prestigious scholars fromaround the world, it is a campus of robust international culture, where allclassroom lessons are taught in English. Long a magnet for students withambitions of studying overseas, UIC sees many of its graduates snapped up bythe world’s leading universities. Our Faculty of Business and Management,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,School of Culture and Creativity, and School of General Education togetheroffer a total of 30 undergraduate programmes and more than a dozen postgraduateprogrammes. Growing rapidly in size, quality and diversity, UIC now attractsover 9,000 students to its picturesque campus in the coastal city of Zhuhai,and is actively recruiting first-class faculty members to make it a top-tierliberal arts college in China.
About the Faculty
The Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences (FHSS) at UIC exploresa broad range of specializations and represents one of the most dynamic andchallenging areas of academic inquiry. The faculty degree programmescollectively explore both aesthetic and artistic concerns of the human spiritas well as the efforts of individuals, groups, organizations and institutionsto improve the general welfare of all members of society. FHSS is offeringseven undergraduate degree programmes in Applied Translation Studies (ATS),English Language and Literature Studies (ELLS), Chinese Culture and GlobalCommunication (CCGC), Media and Communication Studies (MCOM), Public Relationsand Advertising (PRA), Digital Social Science (DGS), Globalisation andDevelopment (GAD). We also offer two taughtpostgraduate programmes: Master of Arts in Communication (Communication StudiesConcentration) taught in Mandarin, and Master of Social Work taught in English;
and two MPhil/PhD programmes in Communication, and Applied English Linguistics.
UIC now invites candidates for this position which is expectedto be filled as soon as possible:
Job Description
The appointee should be avisionary leader and distinguished scholar, who is eligible for facultyappointment as a full professor, preferably in one or more of the Faculty’steaching and research fields (Language/Literature, Communication, andSociology). S/he reports to the President/Provost/Vice-President (AcademicAffairs) and is a key member of the Senior Management Team of the College,contributing to the advancement of UIC. S/he is required to provide effectiveacademic leadership for: (1) execution of all Faculty’s initiatives andplanning;
(2) facilitation of academic and administrative development byproviding effective guidance in all aspects of the Faculty’s academicprogrammes, research endeavors, and community outreach activities;
(3) develop cross-disciplinarycollaboration with other areas;
(4) foster relationships with industry partnersand stakeholders to ensure curriculum relevance and student’s careeropportunities;
(5) oversee budgeting, resource allocation, and efficientoperations of the Faculty.
Job Requirement
The candidate shouldhave a PhD degree with substantial managerial and leadership experience withbroad vision and strategic foresight as well as a strong commitment to thepromotion and implementation of liberal arts education. It is highly preferredthat the candidates are familiar with the education system in Mainland Chinaand bilingual in both English and Chinese.
Benefits We offer an internationally competitive remunerationpackage. Fringe benefits include leaves, housing allowance or accommodation,medical benefits, a generous start-up fund, etc.
Appointment Terms
Appointment to this position willinitially be made on a fixed-term contract with mutual agreement. Closing Date: Open until filled
The College reserves the right not to fillthis position, or to extend the search until suitable candidates are identifiedor to make an appointment by invitation. We are an equal opportunity employercommitted to creating a diverse environment.