标 题: 【实习】微软(北京)招聘日常实习生 --- Ads 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Nov 16 19:20:49 2024), 站内 招聘对象是计算机及相关专业的硕士或者博士在读学生。
实习周期4~6个月 有意向的同学请直接站内联系 Location: Beijing Overview MAI Ads team in Microsoft ARPD is responsible for providing the advertising industry with the state-of-the-art online advertising platform and service. Our team is at the core of this effort, working on the following research & development: Selection(recall), Relevance, User Response Prediction (Click Prediction and Conversion prediction), Autobidding, Large Language Model and Large Scale Machine Learning & Serving System. The team is a world-class R&D team of passionate and talented scientists and engineers who aspire to solve challenging problems and turn innovative ideas into high-quality products and services that can help hundreds of millions of users and advertisers, and directly impact our business. Responsibilities: o Design and develop responsive and visually appealing user interfaces using modern frontend technologies such as [申请查看]. o Design and develop data processors using C#. o Design and develop service APIs using C# and [申请查看]. o Utilize LLMs to facilitate better and smoother user experience in existing services. Qualifications: o Pursuing a master's or PhD's degree in CS/EE or related areas. o Good technical expertise on JavaScript, React/[申请查看] and C#. o Quick learning and solid problem solving and debugging skills. Passionate and self-motivated. o Good communication skills. o Domain knowledge of ads, search, content services, or recommendation system is a plus. -- ※ 来源:·水木社区 [申请查看] [申请查看] ·[FROM: 114.241.83.*]
- 身份 用户
- 文章 1
- 星座 白羊座
- 积分 3449
- 等级 草根(3)
发信人: browgrass (~一直走就能到家~), 信区: Intern 标 题: Re: 【实习】微软(北京)招聘日常实习生 --- Ads 发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Nov 17 11:33:56 2024), 站内 用过一段C#,我能不能远程实习,不需要给任何费用 多一个人,也不多一双筷子 我的简历,facebook,搜索daijingcao,有一些现场制作 我篮球曾经1打7,不管怎么说,个人能力还是有的 【 在 coralbells 的大作中提到: 】 : 招聘对象是计算机及相关专业的硕士或者博士在读学生。
实习周期4~6个月 : 有意向的同学请直接站内联系 : Location: Beijing : ................... --