紫金矿业2025届“金榜生”全球校园招聘简章 |
发信人: 发表于: 2024/9/23 20:18:44 |
紫金矿业2025届“金榜生”全球校园招聘简章 一、公司简介 Company Profile 公司宗旨: 开发矿业,造福社会。 公司业务: 在全球范围内从事铜、金、锌、锂、银、钼等金属矿产资源勘查、开发及工程设计、技术应用研究。 公司规模: 世界500强大平台,国际一流跨国矿业巨头,A+H上市公司。 公 司版图: 在中国17个省(区)和境外15个国家拥有重要矿业投资项目。 行业地位: 中国最大的矿产铜、锌、银生产企业,中国最大的矿产金上市企业; Industry Standing: China's largest copper, zinc, and silver production enterprise, China's largest gold mining listed company; 世界排名: 公司位列 2024 年《福布斯》全球上市公司第 267 位,及其中的上榜的全球金属矿业企业第 5 位、全球黄金企业第 1 位; 发展目标: 致力于打造“绿色高技术超一流国际矿业集团”,以优质矿物原料为中国及全球经济增长和可持续发展助力。 二、招聘岗位 Positions
* 机电专项 机械设备类、自动化类、电气类、仪表类相关专业毕业生,有志于从事设备管理相关岗位,同等条件下年薪上浮。 * 在华外籍留学生人才专项 诚邀有志于回母国投身矿业的海外东道国在华外籍留学生加盟,符合条件的毕业生将优先录用。 * 文秘专项(不限专业) 有文字特长且有志于从事于文字工作相关岗位,有相关作品案例(不含科技论文),同等条件下年薪适当上浮。 * 博士专项 诚邀海内外高校的博士人才加盟。
* Electromechanical Specialization We are seeking graduates from mechanical engineering, automation, electrical engineering, and instrumentation majors who are interested in equipment management positions. Eligible candidates may be entitled to increased remuneration. * Foreign Nationals Specialization We invite foreign students studying in China to join us. We are looking for students from our project countries and who are passionate about returning home to pursue a career in mining. Eligible candidates will be given priority in the recruitment process. *Secretarial Program(not limited by field or major): Preference for candidates with strong writing skills and a desire to work in positions related to textual work. Candidates should have relevant work samples (excluding scientific papers). Candidates with equivalent qualifications may be eligible for an appropriate salary increase. *Doctoral Program: We sincerely welcome doctoral talents of globally renowned universities and top domestic universities to become a part of Zijin. 三、员工福利 Compensation and Benefits 1. 政策补贴: 人才补贴:人才补贴1-8万元、50-60%工科人才薪酬补助(按各地方政府实际政策享受)。 Subsidies: Talent allowance RMB 10-80k, Subsidy for engineering talents (Subject to the policies of local governments). 2. 基础保障: 五险一金、健康体检:一年一次 Social Security and Housing Fund, Health Check-ups: 1 time per year 3. 员工激励(Employee Incentive Programs): 骨干人员持股计划/股权激励 Key Personnel Shareholder Plan / Stock Incentives 学历资助:员工进入紫金满三年有机会获得学历资助继续深造 Education Support - Employees with over three years of service are eligible for education support 骨干人员无业亲属补贴 Subsidy for unemployed relatives of key personnel 4. 休假报支(Vacation Reimbursement): 法定节假日、带薪年假 Statutory Holiday,Paid Annual Leave 探亲往返路费报销(包含机票、高铁等):国内每年2-4次/人,海外派遣每年最多3次/人,其中包含1次家属反探亲 Reimbursement of round-trip travel expenses for family visits (including airfare, high-speed rail, etc.): 2-4 times per person per year for employees in China, up to 3 times per person per year for employees on overseas assignments, including 1 family visit 5. 衣食住行(Bare Necessities of Life) : 伙食:对市场化食堂就餐给予相应补贴 Meal subsidies for dining at local eateries 住宿:矿山及冶炼项目提供免费住宿,非矿山及冶炼项目提供租房补贴(以具体项目为准) Free accommodation is provided for all employees at mine sites and smelting facilities, housing subsidies are provided for employees at all other working locations. (Specific benefits will depend on the working location) 制服/工服、通勤班车 Work Uniforms, Commuter Bus 生活福利设施:洗衣房、健身休闲室、图书馆 Employee Amenities: Company-provided laundry facilities, fitness centers, libraries, etc. 6. 更多福利(Other Benefits): 法定节假日、员工生日:礼金、礼品 Statutory Holiday, Employee Birthday Bonus/Gifts 新婚贺礼、交通、通讯补贴、工会补贴、退休贺礼 Wedding gift, Transportation and Communication subsidies, Union subsidies, Subsidy For Retirees 具体福利根据每个企业不同按实际情况确定 Specific benefits are determined based on the actual circumstances of each company. 四、校招流程 Campus Recruitment Process 网上申请 → 现场/空中宣讲会 → 简历初筛 → AI测评 → 面试 → 录用 Online application → On-site/Online presentations → Preliminary CV screening → AI evaluation→ Online/Offline interviews → Offer 五、投递方式Application Methods 1. PC端:[申请查看] 2. 移动端:微信公众号【紫金矿业招聘配置中心】-校园招聘或扫描二维码网申 1. PC: [申请查看] 2. Mobile: Official WeChat account [紫金矿业招聘配置中心] -校园招聘or scan the QR code to apply
六、联系方式 Contact Info: 1. 微信公众号:紫金矿业招聘配置中心 2. 小红书: [请申请后查看] 紫金矿业招聘(首页加入群聊) 3. 官方QQ答疑群: [请申请后查看] 1. Official WeChat Account:紫金矿业招聘配置中心 2. Official RED Account: [请申请后查看] 紫金矿业招聘 (Go to the homepage to join the campus recruitment discussion group) 3. Official QQ Q&A Group: [请申请后查看] 七、了解我们 Learn More