- 发布时间:2025-02-28
- 截止日期:详见正文
- 学历要求:本科及以上
About SZBL
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) is a newlyestablished Guangdong Provincial Laboratory. SZBL aspires to be a world-classresearch institution and intellectual hub dedicated to understanding thefundamental biology underlying health and diseases. The goal of SZBL is toprovide full-spectrum approaches to disease prevention and intervention from basicresearch to bedside. Key focuses of research include cancer, cardiovasculardiseases, metabolic diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, andinfectious diseases. For more information, please visit official website([申请查看] .
Lab Overview
Dr. W.S. Sho Goh graduated from ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory with a Ph.D. in Biological Science. He has more than10 years of experience in RNA biology and his recent focus centers ondeveloping high-resolution epitranscriptomic sequencing technologies andinvestigating novel epitranscriptomic mechanisms. In 2018, he established hisown independent laboratory at the Singapore Genome Research Institute, where hehas won multiple research grants, and published in prestigious journals(including Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research Genes &Development, PLoS Computational Biology, Cell etc).
The laboratory aims to: (1) Developtechnologies to sequence notable epitranscriptomes at high resolution;
(2)Identify novel epitranscriptomic factors and characterize mechanistically howthey regulate gene expression, cellular processes and human disorders.
LaboratoryManagement (1 person)
Responsibilities :
(1)Assist the research team leader tocomplete various daily tasks, including but not limited to personal affairs inChina, handling legal contracts, telephone calls, recruitment of research teampersonnel, financial work, etc.;
(2)Assist the research team leader tomanage the daily administrative affairs of the laboratory, schedulearrangement, travel reimbursement etc.;
(3)Assist in the planning and execution ofpersonnel receptions, important meetings and activities;
(4)Daily management and maintenance of thelaboratory, including but not limited to: the purchase of laboratory reagentsand consumables, the maintenance of laboratory cleanliness, the maintenance andoverhaul of laboratory instruments, negotiation with vendors about prices andwarranties etc;
(5)Complete other tasks assigned by theresearch team leader.
Requirements :
(1)Bachelor degree or above is required;
Biological related background is preferred but not required.
(2)Possess good English proficiency and beable to adapt to a full-English working environment.
(3)Experience as a laboratory manager isstrongly preferred.
(4)Strong communication skills,independent thinking and problem solving skills, and good team spirit andcollaboration skills.
Salary andBenefits :
Competitive salaries depending on thecandidate’s background and work abilities.
Applicants please provide the followingPDF materials(please use English)
1. Resume
2. Scanned copy of educational backgroundand degree certificate
3. Other materials that can illustratecapabilities
Please send the above materials and theapplicant's self-introduction to [申请查看]
(The subject of the email: name+Sholab+Laboratory management).
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